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‼️URGENT working invitations for a visa to Poland - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan !

‼️URGENT working invitations for a visa to Poland - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan !
‼️URGENT working invitations for a visa to Poland - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan ! - фото 1
Обновлено: 6 декабря 2024, 17:40 ID: 1788548
250 /штука
Krevor Servis, Sp. z o.o. Варшава, PL
на Флагма с 10 сентября 2024
Krietov Mykhailo
Krietov Mykhailo


‼️URGENT working invitations for a visa to Poland - Uzbekistan
- Tajikistan
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Turkmenistan
- Africa
- Turkey
- Egypt, etc.
*The preparation period will be up to 45 days.* 250/200 euros 1 piece
The package of documents includes:
- zezwolenie type A;
- list gwarancyjny - guarantee letter;
- umowa przedwstępna - conditional contract;
- umowa zakwaterowania - housing lease agreement;
- request for positive consideration of a visa application for an employee.
* We also make seasonal invitations for Asian countries.
Production time is 5-7 days.* PLN 650/500 1 pc
*Also, as usual, we make 2-year invitations for opening a Polish visa.* 250/200 PLN 1 piece
For citizens of the following countries:
- Ukraine
- Moldova
- Belarus
- Georgia
- Armenia
The production period is 2-4 days.
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Krevor Servis, Sp. z o.o. Варшава, PL
Работает на Флагма с 10 сентября 2024
Krietov Mykhailo
Krietov Mykhailo
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Krietov Mykhailo
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Krevor Servis, Sp. z o.o. Krietov Mykhailo, Prezess
‼️URGENT working invitations for a visa to Poland - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan !
250 €/штука ID: 1788548
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